Parking for People with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities on campus are provided with specific and accessibly designed parking spaces for use in accordance with ADA guidelines. Refer to the Brighton Campus and Downtown Campus maps for designated spaces. On the Brighton Campus, the handicap spaces in Lot V (visitor lot) are reserved for visitors only.
NYS DMV Information for People with Disabilities
Handicapped Parking Regulations
Handicap parking permits issued through the Parking Services Office on a temporary (2 to 4 weeks) basis until application can be made to state, county, town or village of residence. In addition, all vehicles must have a valid parking registration with Parking Services when parked in a non-metered space.
On the Brighton Campus, the designation and location of these spaces are as follows:
- Wheelchair: Parking will be limited to handicapped persons driving wheelchair vans displaying either a "C" permit issued by Parking Services or a permit issued by New York State, county or town of residence. There are three (3) "C" spaces on campus, one (1) space in each A, K, and F which are signed for wheelchairs only.
- Unmarked: Parking will be limited to handicapped persons driving vehicles displaying a permit issued by NYS, county or town of residence or a temporary permit issued by the Parking Services Office. Spaces are provided in lots A, J, K, E, F, G ,M Q, S, T, and in the Visitor Lot.
Handicap cards must be displayed as instructed on the windshield or on the sun visor and must be clearly visible when parking in designated handicapped parking spaces. Hang tags must be hung from rear view mirror and all vehicles must either be properly registered with Parking Services or display a valid visitor parking permit.
Handicap parking spaces have been redesigned to comply with Federal Regulations. If an area is full, please go to another area. (Do not park in visitors, employee, fire lanes or the striped areas between handicapped spaces.) Violators will be towed at owner/operator's expense.
If your health problem improves and you no longer need preferential parking, please let the Parking Services Office know. Also be sure to keep your records updated at Health Services.
Parking in handicapped parking areas is a privilege, please do not abuse this privilege.
If you have any questions call the Parking office at (585) 292-2700.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 21, Room 140
Mon thru Thu: 8am to 4:30pm
Fri: 8am to 3pm
(585) 292-2700
Fax (585) 292-3873